
Persecution Invisible In Japan: Something has risen

Hi! It's Shellil Linn.(⌒-⌒; )

Third year in the elementary school was so quiet. Nothing special happened for the entire year.

Yes, there were some teasing for I had communication trouble came from autism, but not very serious.

I didn't have anyone to talk, but, the homeroom teacher was really a nice man. I mean he looked so nice as well as taught us nice in liberal way. He hadn't made any fancy nice smile v.s. smile class, but, managed his class so comfortable to almost all kids.

But by next year, we turn to know that "he" thought he must chase out all teachers whose job performance is excellent and nice.

I turned to know that our school was occupied by "him" the vice principle later on . He was a dwarf-like short old man with few hair bridged on his almost bald head. I've hardly remember his name nor impression. Only impression I had for three years was "he's always sweeping with his broom or gardening somewhere in the school ground whenever he has spare time".

I still wonder how he had found out that much time to do sweeping! He was sweeping or gardening from very early in the morning, morning break, after lunch break and after school!

At the end of third grade, almost all the liberal nice teachers had transferred to other schools. It seems as it is the ordinary annual teachers'  event until I become fourth grade.

Fourth grade class had begun with the horror event. The homeroom teacher changed to super-nationalistic Okinawan woman teacher, and ijime, the loathsome damp abuse had begun.

Strange thing happened was happened in the middle of the school year at that year only. The principle "had moved" by some unclear reason, and the very liberal-type principle had taken his place. Unless the principle become seriously ill, retarded or became pregnant, school teachers usually don't have any transfer in the middle of the school year, but it happened.

I'm very sure that about middle age principle, HE wasn't pregnant nor having physical illness.

The new principle tried his best to do the reformation of that school occupied by "him".  The memorandum work the new principle did on his half a year term was "dream time capsule" a time capsule with our composition sealed in and planted in the school ground corner.  The capsule was opened on the100th anniversary year.

When I was late for school, I met the principle at the gate when he would almost go out for "the morning address". My school satchel was on my back, and I knew I was late. So I said "Good morning, Sir" as we have eye contact unavoidably.

He told that "good morning story" on his  morning address that day. He was the best teacher I've met in my life.

But the new principle's liberal policy really made "him" feeling so loath. And "he" made this new principle transferred in half a year! It seemed if this whole incident was the political strife.

As the teachers' struggles get worse, ijime to me also became brutal. One boy put some strong glue on my top of the hair, so I had to shave of some of my hair.

"He" was planning to do "his style" education at the ordinary elementary school. Some students were violent but not punished, but I was punished to "not being communicative and corporative".

I still remember how I've ashamed to lift up the heavy wooden chair for an hour without  any rest nor dropping the chair for a school hour. I couldn't do my study during the punishment, and I really couldn't understand why I was punished by having bruise while a boy who kicked my shin wasn't punished.

That Okinawan teacher tried her best how nationalism and patriotism supported by imperialism is good to follow.

Many of you might concern why the parents were so quiet, and the students and teachers were helpless in almost unconstitutional situation. According to the present constitution, the public school must not teach any religious moral, teaching.

But, in a closed society name the Japanese public school abandoned the aberrant condition.

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