
Christian-Hate Reference: "Good" and "Bad" depends on the definition

Hi! It's Shellil Linn.( ◠‿◠ )

Now, we begin with the mis-leading Japanese translation ver. of "Anti-Christ" written by Friedrich Nietzsche.

In the first Chapter, Tekina define "goodness" as "the intention and emotion raise the power and/or make power powerful by itself". For Tekina the power of the time is always "good".

This kind of logics have been deep rooted since Tokugawa Tycoon had strictly limited the diplomatic relationship to let not foreign affairs bother the domestic politics. At the beginning of Tokugawa Era,  Ieyasu Tokugawa, the first Shogun would temporary limit the diplomatic relationship since he was too old to settle his planned authorities of Tokugawa government to finish up the War Era(Sengoku) confusion.

During Edo period,  "the powerful authority=Tokugawa Shugunate is good" was stenciled deeply into entire nation by public execution for warning so often.

When Meiji renewal raise by Satsuma(present Kagoshima), and Choshu(present Yamaguchi, the home land of PM Abe) painted over to "the winner is the right sovereignty, the looser is the rebellions".

So, Tekina translated the Bad in "anti-Christ" is "being weak, being looser".  So Tekina says if weeks drop out the society, push one's back forward (to desperate) by the name of humanity. Wow, his logic might make you vomit, but this logic is the main cause for high percentage of suicides in Japan.

Then Tekina says the Christianity is the religion of sympathy to weakness, which the good power should exterminate the bad weakness. Maybe Hitler will love this logic if he's alive!

By Tekina's translation, human being cannot become anyone valuable than one settled in whether a good side or bad side. But, western philosophers such as Aristotle to Schopenhauer misunderstood the original sin in Christian theological term is the prerequisite to discuss the humanity.

And then Tekina interpreted that the goddesses cannot be alway good=powerful, but goddesses need to have bad=weakness.

According to this referendum, truth exist the number of ethnological groups, and truth differs depends on each ethnological group. And the duty, ethics, right, justice and goodness are all depends on the each domestic groups.

Around here, his logics jump over that the monotheism=Christianity. Although he made some comments on Muslim world is also monotheism, and ignored Judaism or all other monotheism include the sun worship in traditional Japanese faith(Otentosan faith).  He clearly affirmed that the monotheism=Christianity is evil and false in all the religion in this world.

The important point for our reader isn't Tekina is mare radio commentator.  But, the point is Tekina had honestly written the exactly same logics there had been under WWII dictatorship.

Now, since the logic of good and bad is defined by the faceless nameless bureaucrats and group of dictators in "good group" at the time, Japanological religion, or Nippon Kaigi's religious base don't have any root in any kind of Japanese tradition nor any kind of traditional faith.

So, if non-Japanese try to let Japanese understand something by logical explanatory with good advice, Japanese sneak away from your logics for the logics cannot melt into there feelings. So, if you know a bite of good and bad definition of the Nippon Kaigi, Japanese government, beaurocrates  and ordinary people's root, you can add a bite of vinegar and sugar along with your logics.

There're always someone weak in Japanese society is depressed who knows truth but its too worthless knowing it. You can find that weak one with inside information and help the weak ones with sincerely  kindness.

Sometimes, bad=weak side ones are weak in Japan only, but generally concerned as strong or talented in out of Japan. Making weak Japanese the most influential in out of Japan, it might move the near weak majority to get out of their desperate being weak side.

So, we now are quite far away from Nietzsche's historical piece.

Since the powerful are always in fear and anxiety, try not to stimulate those sensitive dictators, and helping raise of the weak in out of Japan is one way I can offer you as a hand to give proper information from out of Japan.


Christian-Hate Reference: Mis-leading ver. of "Anti-Christ"

Hi! It's Shellil Linn.( ◠‿◠ )

It took weeks to get well from my throat ache and a reference book which may be helpful to understand how Nippon Kaigi have been working out a farsighted scheme to restraint the increase of Christians in Japan since 1970th.
It's been in my mind that I need to find an issued book reference which shows Nippon Kaigi's permanent discriminative stance for Christianity, Catholics & traditional Christians.

"The Edict Against Christian" Rule had been on the  every street corner  until 1873.
Several weeks ago, I've accidentally found a book "The Christianity is the false teaching" which was entitled as the modern translation of "Anti-Christ" written by Friedrich Nietzsche.

The translator claim himself as a philosopher, Osamu Tekina, whose name seems pen name. His present job is not certain after he graduated from Waseda University majored Nietzsche in the philosophy course. His pen name probably means "not good, not bad, so so".

According to the internet search, his present official job is a writer  and "one of many"  commentator in early morning radio program called "Ohayo Tera-chan". According to the program official website,  Tekina is the one of many commentator live on some Friday, 6:10a.m.  The right-wing paper, Sankei likely to show  Tekina's comment rarely.  Since there're so many movies on YOU TUBE of his radio talk, he's trying to promote himself although his comments were evaluated as "too low level" "always same-same theory" by most of young 2 ch bulletin board writers.

I can classify his writing to two types; classify, divide, and self-torturing type writing praising "elites are the only and the best" "the middle class are troublesome" and the Christianity & Christian, and racial hate books.

Critical thing I've felt was a man who claims "I'm a philosopher" type childish book is issued from Kodansha, one of the most famous scholastic and business paper back publisher. There has to be someone with power behind him not only supporting him economically, but, someone who can make Kodansha issue this kind of "hate book" on 2005.

Let me introduce you some extreme "translation" of Tekina on the cover belt:

Defendant: Christianity is guilty.
I'd ask for the most sever charge to the defendant as no other accuser had ever done before. There's nothing decayed fully as much as Christianity is.

Christianity makes everything around the world soured.  Christianity fabricates the invaluable out of truly valuable, lier from truth, nastiness out of honestness. If you would still want to talk about the blessing of humanity through Christian Church, just go ahead and do it.
Christian Church has been prolonged as it has been taken mean advantage of weakness of human being.
More over, Christian church has been creating all the misfortune to make its authority eternal.

Since late 19th century until II Vatican Council, So many non-Christians, Jewish, all kinds of Christians even novices in convents, monasteries, and the theologists had shouted out the booing calls for renewal.

At that era, Nietzsche wasn't the only one who criticized the way Catholic church had been hence the Trient Council's fresh air had become dull and mean after Jansenismus had risen and "poisoned" the Catholic Church in Pharisees' way.

Most of Japanese people would never understand what has been going on in the rest of the world except "Japan" the small world. And Nippon Kaigi has been trying to brainwash all Japanese to convince with their fanatic ideal.

Ironically, most of Japanese were devoted into  Chrisitian-Hate mood so easily until Shinzo Abe become well-known as the biggest sponsor of  cult-Christianity, and as an important member of Nippon Kaigi through the internet. It must be some influence from young generation who never concern oneself as a Buddhist. Heisei(1989-present) young ones  began to ask "why we have to hate Christianity? Is there any reason doing so?" after they become old enough to have doubt on elder generations.

I think it was the remarkable turning point when the extreme right wing movers have begun to wave the Star Spangle Banner along with Japanese flag and marched and demonstrated "Viva right!!".

Nippon Kaigi right wing demonstration divided and scattered Yamaguchigumi Yakuza,  and triggered the historical declaration of NO-MORE-UYOKU(extreme right wing in Japanese)  by some  Issuikai, the most traditional extreme right wing group leaders during 2014-2015.

Nippon Kaigi is still trying to utilize Tekisai's Christian-Hate theory, for it is very convenient use the THE ETERNAL ENEMY is there, so Japanese have right to be tempered to strike out the ENEMY!

Hence Nippon Kaigi is trying to mix in a part of Tekisai's Christian-Hate theory into the World History school textbook which need to pass the official verification ethical code settled by MEXT(the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).

I'll briefly go on this reference  to represent some tips and ideas how non-Japanese can approach and make those Galapagos Japanese keep sit on the necessary discussion and negotiation table with information opened both for inbound and outbound although the Japanese language is another piece of iron cookie you bite.

There are 55 atomic plants include Fukushima One which have been discharging radioactive poisoned  water to the pacific ocean, but the information access is very limited for the majority of Japanese who're aware of the fact, or have information access in non-Japanese language.

City area train stops so often by "sudden fall out" "emergency" and "suicide".  And, monster class typhoon and the swarm earthquake in west Japan area shows how dangerous canary Japan is for this planet.

If all 55 atomic plants become out of control in this land, the whole world will be polluted by collapse of Japan.

It's not just the crisis of Christianity. And ordinary unawared Japanese popular mood might be the toughest wall the world face to.

I'd still cross to the hope.



Historical Fantasy Over the Nippon Kaigi Cabinet

Hi! It's Shellil Linn.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

While I've been searching for some materials for my novel writing, I've found a series of "up date secret history books" regarding the end of Edo Period to early Meiji Era(about 1830-1880).

Those books have issued from several different publishers, but, all of them are the grassroot autority members of Nippon Kaigi.

Hence anyone in the world can buy those books written in Japanese language in Amazon.com , I'd just take a brief note on their "preferable historical view".

Maybe most of journalist believe that Nippon Kaigi would re-built the Meiji Constitution world, under "the goddess Emperor" as it had once been before the WWII.

Since the Emperor Akihito made a historical speech on "abdication before his death" and "the crown his successor Prince Norihito as the symbolic Emperor" this summer, Nippon Kaigi had done reprisal shuffling for those who allowed or agreed  "His Highness" to speak out unfavorable speech.

Emperor Akihito's will is as following:

1) He's old enough to retire from symbolic Emperor.
2)In case he dies as the Emperor, the course of mourning rituals, memorial feasts which takes several years to go over will be too heavy burden for his successor. It will cost so much for national budget also. If he dies as "retired Emperor", the mourning will be done all by Imperial Shinto priests mainly in the palace mainly.
3) Hence he's the symbolic Emperor, it is not necessary to let the crown prince to become the regent, because symbolic Emperor don't commit with any "actual politics".

Emperor Akihito probably studied a lot on the honor pontiff Benedictus XVI, for he may seek professional advisors on this matter for Empress Michiko graduated from Sacred Heart Women University,  one of the most famous Catholic women University in Tokyo.

Nippon Kaigi has been preparing the "secret true history" on  the Imperial successor.

According to Nippon Kaigi members, the South Imperial power had given up the secret mirror, sword and the comma-shaped bead to North Imperial power in 14th century is the faked story.

South Imperial power have been hidden in for centuries, according to Nippon Kaigi history. It's just like as if King Arthur's successor have been hidden somewhere for centuries! Impossible to identify who's who in this long history.

Nippon Kaigo also claim that their respectful guru, Masaharu Taniguchi's guru, Onisaburo Ideguchi is the secret successor of Emperor Komei who'd probably assasignated by Meiji government fundamentalists.

Hence Nao Ideguchi, the establishment guru of Omoto sect was a literate farmer, supported by the public for she was accepted as "common people's guru" in folk Shintoism. So, it is non-sense to have any chance for her to meet the crown prince or the Emperor.

 Emperor had always  sat behind many silk shades whenever he meet someone except his family and upper court ladies who had allowed to stay in his dark chamber. At that time, no one really know the Emperor's face even in the palace!

 During Edo period, most of Emperors had almost no chance to go out of a small palace in Kyoto. They even hadn't have right to his palace garden or go out of palace to do the ancestral worship when he deserve to do so.

Nippon Kaigi seems to trying to replace the present crown prince to "Nippon Kaigi recommended prince" in the expected confusion occurred by the sick, death, and the enthronement of the crown prince.

I see a lot of writing and rumors how the crown prince and princess is disqualified, or denial opinion on "crown princess" written by " not identical handle name person".

According to the fantastic historical view of Nippon Kaigi, the sect belief which has no traditional bases, public support nor popularity will seize over Japan as Kim dynasty have done in North Korea.

If Japan become a dictated nation almost same style as North Korea, the entire earth environment will  be endangered by the radioactive pollution caused not only by Fukushima One, but many other atomic power plants on the local faults which on the three continental shelves.

Not just Japan will ruin herself, but cause the world-wide radioactive pollution problem due to earthquakes which unavoidable in this area.

Most of Japanese feel worthless and almost no self-esteem to "think by oneself". Most of them are not totally brainwashed, but, strong co-dependent mentality of common Japanese try to find their mental easiness in "be blind, and make someone weak isolated or independent a heel, so he'll be safe".

Nippon Kaigi is trying their best to purge bureaucrats, LDP member to make their fantastic dream come true without any rational political policy except "HIDE THE FACT! MAKE THE WORLD BLIND!".