
"Moralogy" and the atheism in Japan

Hi! It's Shellil Linn.♪(´ε` )

As I said before, Japanese atheists are generally devoted into having very personal way of approach for the truth, eternity, and their death which unavoidable for all the human being.

As the rest of the world except Japanese are aware of how much Japanese culture is specific in its characteristics as well as its stand aloneness.

But,  so many Japanese concern that their atheistic "Moralogy" is the best universal, unique and all-embracing which is very close to Zygmunt Bauman's "the cosmopolitan consciousness".

Japanese Moralogy which Nippon Kaigi and other Shinto sects devoted into, is not same as the Confucian teaching originated in China.

Basic teaching of the Confucians are; do their best in the placed hierarchy in a society, man and his wife should do their roll with certain respect, show their respect to elderlies,  elder should show sincerely to younger, and young ones should be obedient for the age order, and the love to their friends.

But, Japanese Moralogy is different from the original concept. It teaches to be generous(Jin),  faithful for one's social duty(Gi), well-mannered to others(Rei), be smart to know others with indirect verbal communication(Chi), and be trustful(Shin) in the society we are now.

The Moralogy teaching are all related with the Nationalistic patriotism, but not with people's day to day living. The moralist ask all the nation to be faithful for the society than our family, or loving ones.

Japanese Moralogy teaching is more abstract, and ambiguous than the original Confucians' teaching.

The teaching is abstract means Japanese people don't know "how to reach out to these ethical aim".

Actually, the abstractness of Moralogy is the cause of the detraction of the religious literacy in Japan.

Many Japanese people don't feel the self-contradiction to being religiously illiteracy of oneself while others are not achieving the best result as in each ideal or teaching.

So, the Moralogists accuses Christians for not reaching out to the state and condition  of Saints and the angels. Or some weak, handicapped, disabled and sick are not achieving their best or even miracle work just to reduce the social financial and psychological burden.

Nippon Kaigi, the Japan Conference which originated on the radical fundamentalism of Masaharu Taniguchi, who had devoted to the nostalgia to Edo period Omoto sect, is also utilizing the Moralogy as "the universal truth, without any conflict" having one religious authority to belong.

Now, let us review the religious literacy. Religion is like a one's house. If one is living in a house, the house become home to the one lives that house. But, once a house has emptied then that house turn to a deserted and collapsed.

Same thing happens on the religion. If ten percent of the faithful are their to support their innate faith with prayer, rituals and the local custom, the religious belief is alive filled with ones' joy. But, once people started to loose their faith unawarely, then the basis of the religion will become "the deserted and collapsed house".

Nippon Kaigi has been trying to reinstall the Meiji constitution along with their political aim to  their three goodnesses; recover the big patrimony family system, deny the natural human right for 99% of common people, and the educational revolution to revive the moral education(Dotoku) centering the Nationalist duty, but not be patriotic according to the personal feeling or personal opinions.

For Moralogists in Japan, all the religious authority or movement are concerned the source of making conflict toward each others meaninglessly. And for over 90 years, common people in Japan have been brainwashed as "the Moralogy is the only universal truth over all the religious authority, belief".

And most of common people in Japan are not aware how their religious illiteracy is seriously under-leveled in the rest of the world.

This situation occurs the serious communication trouble with Japan and the rest of the world.

Nippon Kaitgi's fantasy aim is to Japanese the whole world, just because they really don't know how to let Japan be adopted into the rest of the world.

There are 26 nuclear power plant on the middle of the pacific plate, the Philippine plate, North American Plate, and the Eurasian plate, with 110 volcanos in about three thousand islands include the four main islands.

That means Japan is the world threat on radiative poison source for the entire earth.
Japan really need the sincerely help from the world as well as the situation in Syria, Palestine.

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