
Christinitian-Hate Reference: Christianity denies "nature"?

Hi! It's Shellill Linn.( ^∀^)

The majority of Japanese even intellectually excellent get confused with understanding the "nature" in Christianity.

According to the modern Japanophilosophy since 19th century, the virtue concept of "Japan" contains the most simple term of truth without inviting social confusion, conflict and contest without asking religious practice except those who belong to certain clan to do the religious practice as a group representative.

Those who aren't responsible for practicing religious prayers and rituals shall not be responsible for the result of those spiritual practice. That's why Japanese after WWII generation don't have pacific interest on religious practice.

Most of ordinary Japanese religious authority say"oh, you can belong to whatever you're now. You don't have to think about whether converting to our religious authority!".

Hence it is very sensitive term to convert the religion in Japan even though no family member know exactly what flow of temple do he or she really belong to. The conversion is really sensitive just because majority of Japanese never really know anything about the temple or the shrine a family have a tomb.

So, the conversion itself makes feel ordinary Japanese people "forced" to do something although most of them don't have any religious faith in any way, hence the term of conversion bring in a small group or family unbearable conflict, contest and contradiction.

Second reason Japanese people accuse on Christianity is "denying the Japanese style eroticism".

During Edo period, people generally didn't have right to immigrate or just move in and out freely. They lived under very strict Kimono dress code that some wealthy merchants were executed in public due to dressed like a princess and high clan Samurai with an actress hair style. There were gates in every corner you walk in Edo(present Tokyo), and had a security check whenever one crosses a bridge here to there. Religious conversion was generally prohibited and being NON CHRISTIAN was the symbol of sameness under Tokugawa tyranny.

Erotic literature, poems, picture book like manga and all kinds of sex was the only safety valve people could "enjoy" during Edo period. Although committing adultly was worth death penalty,  "double suicide" committed by prohibited lovers were the true idol.  There were variety of double suicide...poor young man and rich girl, Oiran a caged courtesan and a customer, even a page and young land lord were really committed day by day all over Japan.

So, Japanese erotic standard is too rude for the majority of cultural evaluation system. But, Japanese have been very hostile to Christianity especially because missionaries swear the concentrated chastity which denies the erotic standard in Japan.

Many Japanese get lost when they see so many Christian enjoy sex, some even enjoy prostitute or rape in some rude case, but missionaries teaches "to keep your chastity".

The dissociation of reality and the ideal should be "case by case" individual trouble, but no general teaching exist for majority of Japanese just because the general teaching might occure conflict, contest and contradiction inside of one Japanese individual as well as Japanese society.

According to Japanophilosophy, any kind of public opinion which bring in the great conflict, contest, challenge and contradiction is concerned as something evil.  So, Christian thinking brings in the conflict and contradiction between eroticism, sex and chastity according to Japanese Galapagos evaluation system.

Japanese are generally lack of coming over the conflict, contest and contradiction generally. Japanese generally do their every effort to avoid three C's...conflict, contest and contradiction in inside Japan, because majority of Japanese think that if something great cannot take responsibility by itself, Japanese have to repent all the responsibility by death penalty.

Now, it is severer threat for this planet if Nippon Kaigi would really aim to commit suicide with 55 atomic plants in island nation called Japan on the three continental plate borders. Right now, Nippon Kaigi has been just being blind for their grass root sinister. But, now they slowly started to feel there's  not much things they can do to solve Fukushima crisis and troubles in other atomic energy plants.

It is very difficult to let majority of Japanese understand that anybody on this planet can never fully avoid three Cs living on this planet. But, to keep Nippon Kaigi or similar cults' pride being "universal Japanese", Nippon Kaigi might do anything to hide what is really going on in this nation until extinguish all the living Japanese who haven't had chance to run away from this critical situation.

I feel awful threat might become true. Suicide toll is rising every single day. In Tokyo area for example, there's no single day goes on without "train accident" caused by jumping in.

"If I die now, I don't have to go to Dentsu after my death" was a last word of a young woman who committed suicide and recently became big news by her mother's effort to set Dentsu on the court.

She'd never thought  on "I'd be free if I die".  She was just too worn out and tired.

I've been trying my best to let Japanese people understand the non-existence of the universal Japanese   as well as other people from different approach. But, we really need in help to move those political and economical puppets closer to Nippon Kaigi.

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