
Persecution Invisible in Japan: My memory with Presbyterian Sunday School

Hi! It's Shellie Linn.  (^o^)

It is so sad to confess that my previous blog page was partly not-readable by some reason. Seems like someone had re-written the HTML tag to white out the back ground of the font.

I've been away from this page since there was some trouble with my dear old friend PC. I'm on the way to built a good relationship with my new PC, but it took me some time. And above inccident happened during my PC was down last week.

I'd like to believe in the security system of google blogger system,  and hope it was just an accident.

My father was once belonged to Holiness Church near by US army base and took me to the Holiness
Church just one time.

He had sung me "What a friend we have in Jesus" during my toddlerhood. And the Hymnal had given me a great impression.

After he stopped going the Holiness Church, I was kind of away from Christianity.

But, my kindergarten principle was a Christian, and let some children do the Nativity Play. So, the impression of Nativity play had kept me something like "Christianity".

When I became 5 years old, my mother decided to buy a new house, and moved to a new home.
At the new home, there's a R&B discotheque next to us, plane moor, and no neighbors around us. No child was living around new home.

I was kind of bored being alone, but the old rent house I once was lived was more than ten minutes walk for a little one. I didn't know the way back to old friends anyway.
My both parents have been working, so off days are so busy with cleaning, washing and do all the household works. Since I was crying baby even in age five, my parents were put off looking after me on Sunday.

One day, an old lady living near by the old rent house we once lived visited us on early Sunday morning if she can take me to the Presbyterian Church Sunday school if my father would bring me back after the Sunday school worship and the Sunday school class followed by the worship.
For my parents, it was a kind of "Gospel" that they can devote into the household work without nursing a troublesome child.

The Church was the new world for me. I enjoyed singing the child hymnals and hearing the classical phrases of the Holy Bible I could never understand what was really said. And the reading time at the Sunday school was so fascinating to me hence I love to hear the readings.
It was early 1970th, and both kindergarten and the Presbyterian Church were out of my public school area. So, Until I enter the public elementary school, I've never felt the "mood of fascism" in the area around the new home.
Catholic Yamato Church

The mood of the society was still much liberal than 21st century Japan in one sense from 1947 to early 1970th.

But the conservatism kick back from the post-war period was still their. People were naturally co-independent, and seeking the way to reach out to independent self-esteem.

I've read some books on philosophy, psychology, psychiatry and anthropology books translated into Japanese language on about 1960-1980, and understand what was so difficult to find the matching feeling between English, French, Germany or other European languages and Japanese languages after I become an adult.

And there was their reason why even those top scholars of liberal arts had big trouble accepting the non-Japanese or I may name "out-of-Galapagos-Japanese culture" as the same human matter.

Anyway, I was just a little child at that time with autism. So, I never really aware of what will be really going of after that time.(To be continued)

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